キリスト教って?What is Christianity?
There are many different denominations of Christianity, and Catholicism is one of them.
Christianity can be broadly divided into Catholicism, Protestantism (which emerged from the Reformation), and the Eastern Orthodox Church. In terms of number of followers, Catholicism is the largest denomination of Christianity in the world. Under the leadership of the Pope, Catholics are unified in both doctrine and guidance. In contrast to Catholicism (the old religion), Protestantism is called “the new religion.” However, Protestantism itself is divided into hundreds of different denominations in Japan alone.
ミサってなあに?What is Mass?
In the Catholic Church, great emphasis is placed on the assembly of the parish for worship. This is called “Mass.” Mass is derived from a ceremony commemorating and re-enacting the “Last Supper” of Jesus Christ the day before he was crucified. With this ceremony at its heart, Mass also includes Scripture readings, prayers, and the priest’s sermon. Mass is celebrated not only on Sundays, but also on weekdays, at weddings, and at funerals. However, the Sunday Mass in particular attracts a large parish and usually lasts about an hour.
The Bible is divided into two major parts. One was written before the birth of Jesus Christ and focuses on the story of Adam and Eve, the history of Jesus’ ancestors, the Israelites, and the words of God as spoken through the prophets. The other focuses on the four Gospels, which describe the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as the activities and Epistles of his disciples.
In Christianity, the Jewish scriptures written before the birth of Jesus Christ are called the Old Testament, while those containing the life of Jesus Christ and the Epistles of the Apostle Paul are considered a New Covenant and called the New Testament.